I understand that DOGGIE PLAYLAND Inc. ( hereinafter referred to as DP) has relied upon my representation that my dog is in good health and has not injured or shown aggression or threatening behaviour to any person or dog at any time.
I understand that DP reserves the right to refuse services and terminate enrolment when, in the opinion of DP’s staff in their sole, absolute, unfettered and arbitrary discretion, such refusal or termination is necessary for either the health, safety and/or comfort of other dogs and/or staff.
I understand that DP and their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, invitees, successors and assigns shall not be held liable, financially or otherwise, for any injuries to my dog, myself, or any property of mine while my dog is in attendance at or in the care of DP. I hereby release and agree to indemnify DP and its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, invitees, successors and assigns including those for whom at law DP may be responsible for, of any liability whatsoever and of any kind arising from my dogs participation in any and all services provided by DP. I further acknowledge that DP carries a maximum liability insurance of $4,000.00 per enrolled dog.
I understand and agree that any problems with my dog, behavioural, medical or otherwise will be treated as deemed best by staff of DP in their sole, absolute, unfettered and arbitrary discretion, and in what they view as the best interest of the animal. I understand and I assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses involved in regards to the health of my dog. The owner understands and agrees not to bring the enrolled dog to our facility if the dog is ill or has any contagious disease or condition.
I understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization of dogs. I understand that by enrolling my dog at DP I am making an informed decision that that the benefits outweigh the risks and I hereby accept the risk, unequivocally and without reservation. I desire a socialized environment for my dog while attending services provided by DP . I understand that while the socialization and play is closely and carefully monitored by DP’s staff to prevent injury, injury is foreseeable and not entirely preventable and that during the course of normal play my dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from roughhousing with other dogs.
I hereby agree to allow DP staff to take photographs or use images of my pet in print or online for publication and/or promotion.
I further understand that I am solely responsible, financially or otherwise, for any harm or damage caused by my dog while attending any services provided by DP. Should my dog bite or cause any other injury to a person, dog, or property while in the care of DP, DP reserves the right, in its sole, absolute, unfettered, and arbitrary discretion to immediately terminate the dog’s enrolment and the owner forever waives all the rights to any form of refunds.
DP is open during the hours of 7:00 am- 6:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The owner may drop off and pick up her/his dog at any time during these hours. Dogs picked up after closing are subject to late charges ( $10 for each 15 minutes increment past the closing hour), whether or not such delay is deemed unavoidable. I also understand that I am obligated to call DP in advance to advise of my delay.
I understand that if I do not pick up my dog at all, DP will proceed according to the guidelines provided by City of Toronto ( Abandonment of animals by owner); procedure for handling. I also acknowledge that I will be fully responsible for all fees and associated costs associated with same.
By executing this document, the undersigned hereby represents and warrants that:
•they have read each and every provision as outlined herein and fully understand the contents of same; and
•they are representing themselves as the owner of the dog and that DP is entitled to rely on such representations for the purpose of enforcing any provision, covenant, or representation contained herein
Kind Regards,
Toronto's Premier Doggie Daycare